Article 43 The families, schools and other units concerned shall coordinate, in educating and redeeming the delinquent minors, with the reformatories for juvenile delinquents and other similar units where the delinquent minors are held. 第四十三条家庭和学校及其他有关单位,应当配合违法犯罪未成斫人所在的少年犯管教所等单位,共同做好违法犯罪未成年人的教育挽救工作。
Reason, Feature and Precaution of Juvenile Delinquent 青少年犯罪的原因、特点及其预防对策
YOUTH ( THROUGH TRANSLATOR): As long as the person who is in charge of national security behaves like a juvenile delinquent and carries on using provocative language, the trouble won't stop. 青年(通过翻译):只要这个对国家安全负有责任的人的举止像一名少年犯,并且使用挑衅性的语言,那么这场骚乱就不会停止。
Gus, I don't wanna be a juvenile delinquent. 格斯,我可不想成为一名少年犯。
The Comparative Study on Family Function of Juvenile and Delinquent 守法少年与犯罪少年家庭功能比较研究
Regional Research into Punishments on Juvenile Delinquent and Reform of Principles of Punishment in Juvenile Justice ( First Part); 未成年人犯罪刑罚适用区域性考察及其罚则改革研究(上)
Like the juvenile delinquent thought of having her boyfriend, everyday is bothering him. 暗恋亚纪的不良少年以为稔是她的男朋友,天天找他麻烦。
Current Situation of Juvenile Delinquent's Mental Health and Influence Factors 少年犯心理健康现状及影响因素的研究
Thinking about Perfecting the Criminal System of Juvenile Delinquent 完善未成年人刑事司法制度的思考
We prefer to take protective measures towards juvenile delinquent in legislation and practical work instead of simple application of imprisonment. 我国在立法和实际工作中对未成年犯多呈保护立场,而不是简单地适用监禁刑。
People have already been aware of the side of effect that traditional penalty to the juvenile delinquent, they have starting exploring more humane and more valid method to innovate the juvenile justice system. 人们已经意识到了传统刑罚适用于少年所产生的副作用,开始探寻更加人道、更加有效的方法来对少年司法制度进行创新。
The fourth is to increase the ex-prisoner, applicable labor correctional officers and juvenile delinquent. 四是要增加对刑满释放人员、被劳动教养人员及未成年犯罪人适用。
Juvenile crime problem has caught serious concern of social and psychology who strive to sort out the current theories in order to provide scientific basis and effective approach for reforming juvenile delinquent. 未成年犯罪问题一直受到社会的广泛关注,心理学界也一直积极采用各种研究方法对其犯罪心理进行研究,为改造未成年犯提供科学依据与有效途径。